Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Primitive Commands of CADD

Line commands
Ø  Randomly select points
Ø  set a specific value for the snap function,
Ø  select points  using the snap spacing value
Ø  entre the coordinate value for the start & end points
Ø  use relative inputs & specify the start point
Ø   the length, the direction of line
Erase commands
Ø  Select individual lines
Ø  window a group of line
Construction line
Ø  Basic /hor/ver/ang
Circle command
Ø  To draw a circle-radius
Ø  To draw a circle-diameter
Ø  To draw a circle 2 point
Ø  to draw a circle-3point
Ø  To draw a circle-Tangent tangent radius
Ø  Quadrant-Sensitive application (TTR)
Circle centerlines
Ø  Redefine the dimcen system variable
Ø  use the centre mark option found on the dimension toolbar
Ø  To draw a polylines: Arc /close/halfwidth/length/width
Ø  To Verify that a polyline is a single entity
Ø  To draw different lines thickness.
Ø  draw a Spline: Arc /close/halfwidth/length/width, To draw different lines thickness.
Ø  To draw an ellipse- axis end,
Ø  To draw an ellipse-Centre
Ø  To draw an ellipse- arc
Ø  To draw an ellipse by defining its angle of rotation about the major axis
Ø  By point fixing method (by point fixing through mouse)
Ø   through coordinate systems (absolute ,polar, relative )
Ø  To draw a polygon –centre point
Ø   To draw a polygon-edge distance
Ø  To change the shape of a point
Ø  To change the size of a points
Ø  Including all options
Ø  To use the Dtext command
Ø  To use the text tool (mtext)
Ø  the multiline text editor dialog box options
Ø  To change the text justification
Ø  To use the Symbol option, other options
Ø  To move a line
Ø  to move a object
Ø  to move a some part of a object
Ø  To draw a Single copy of a object
Ø   To draw a multiple copies
Ø  To offset a line
Ø  To offset a object
Ø  Mirror a line
Ø  mirror a object

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